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Making Connections, Finding Real Estate Leads Through Networking

Listen more

Looking for information you can use as well as leads is a real art. An agent such as yourself must be able to develop the talent to fish out information from every conversation you initiate. Getting the information will require discipline on your part to listen more and talk less. Don’t necessarily keep your words to a minimum, but rather, give your contact the adequate opportunity to say what he wants.

If you would like to speak, it is better to encourage the person to share his thoughts with you rather than you dominating the conversation.

About your business card…

Obviously, clarifying to people on how they can get back to you is important (with any business for that matter). But it is really up to you to ask for that information. After you build the first report, try to kindly ask for his/her contact information.

However, don’t consider handing out your card if it is not asked for. In the very least, you must ask for permission to give them your card just in case they need to inquire about anything else regarding real estate. Pulling out your card to a person who might not be asking for it is pretty much like forcing them to call you back. In dating, this could considered as quite presumptuous. The idea won’t change when it comes to business.

Once you have constructed a genuine and friendly persona and now that you have the required information and contacts to pursue the information with, you will need to work on attracting leads through that information.

For example, try to follow up with friendly correspondences. It is also helpful to refer to your last conversation in order to open up your letters and calls. This is where the advantages of listening come in. Your contact will realize that you took the sufficient amount of effort to remember what they said, and that will act in your favour.

Another advantage to guiding the conversation towards something related to your business is that there is a logical take-off point for you to introduce your services and what you can do to help the person who has real estate concerns.

A real character and attitude, together with strategic probing and follow-up will get your network to function to your advantage and may also give you leads that will end with a real sale. This will take a lot of work, but the procedure will be a lot more fun than a cold call. You will be connecting with someone who wants to connect back to you and who might be willing to introduce you to their own network simply because they think you are an efficient businessman.

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